Monday, November 26, 2018

Module 3

This Module included an overview of the behavioral theories and how people believe the affect the education process as well as setting up the physical environment of learning and how it plays a role in the education process.

Chapter 7 focuses on various behavioral theories and how they apply to education, and I found this chapter interesting because I enjoy psychological theory and I find it interesting the various aspects people think affect education in specific ways.I found the sections on reinforcement and punishment to be particularly interesting to me because as a future PE teacher I think it is extremely important to be aware of not only motivational techniques, but to also be aware of the proper technique to use to achieve the desired result. I think the reinforcement model (Woolfolk P. 257) will be useful to be to ensure optimal participation in the PE setting. For example, if we needed to do the state mandated tests or other undesirable activities I could offer a desired activity or sport once testing is completed to reinforce the desired behavior (effort on the testing).

So the flowchart would look as follows: Behavior (Effort on testing) > Reinforce (desirable activity/sport) = strengthened or repeated behavior (effort-ful testing/participation)

Chapter 13 focuses on creating a learning environment and the various forms it may take. And while as a PE educator I have less constructive ability compared to a traditional classroom this information was still useful. I found the part about encouraging engagement useful to myself because in my current rounds as a sub, I have experienced many kids who refuse to put forth any effort in PE, or even straight up refuse to participate and I think this has a lot to do with the culture and stigmas surrounding PE. For example “I had sweating/trying” or “this is stupid” can be replaced by “oh I love this game” if proper motivation techniques are used. I believe that using the reinforcement techniques as well as other behavioral techniques outlined in this chapter as well as developing a curriculum that students will actually enjoy can change the stigma surrounding PE and hopefully encourage participation so my students can reap the benefits of physical activity.

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