Sunday, November 11, 2018

Context for Learning Description of School and Students

About the School Where You Are Observing or doing Field Experience
School Name and City: St. Laurence, Burbank, IL
Type of School: Elementary school, Middle School, High School, or Other: High School
Setting: Urban, Suburban, or Rural: Suburban

Write your responses to the three questions below in paragraph form.
1.    List any special features of the school or classroom setting (e.g., themed magnet, classroom aide, bilingual, co-taught with a special education teacher, pull-out program). The school recently became co-ed and the way things are ran, someone would've never thought that from the outside. The school itself is a private school and I know there is no special education but there are lower level classes for students who struggle with particular classes. You must take an entrance exam prior to registration so they can assign you to the proper class level needed. Towards the end of the day, they have period designated for everyone to do their homework, it's what many of us know as study hall but every student partakes at the same time. The reason behind this is that most students enrolled are either athletes or they participate in extracurricular activities.

2.    Describe any district, school, or cooperating teacher requirements or expectations that affects the planning or delivery of instruction, such as required curricula, pacing plan, use of specific instructional strategies, or standardized tests. On Wednesdays, they have a late start and every class is shortened to 22 minutes a period besides reading, math and science. So, in the PE class the instructor has them bring their ipads to work on a written assignment he gives out on those days. The teacher gives them critical thinking or strategy type questions. The students must complete the response for participation and also they are graded on spelling, punctuation and so on. The challenge he faces is making sure the students are dressed on time for their next class and to keep the gym as clean as possible. The school does fitness testing also, which will include the mile, sit and reach, push up, sit up. Those are the only testing they must complete twice a year.  

3. For special education only:List any educators with specialized expertise in the school/district (e.g., specific disabilities, subject-specific pedagogy, English language development, speech therapists). As listed above, the school doesn't have a special education program.

About the Students in this Class[Give a brief or one word response]
1.    Estimated percentage of students eligible for free/reduced lunch: 15
2.    Grade level(s): 9-12
3.    Number of
a.    students in the class: 18
b.    males: They split the PE classes so it's an all male or all female class.
c.     English language learners: 0
d.    students identified as gifted and talented: 0
e.    students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans: 0
4.    Complete the chart below to summarize required accommodations or modifications for students receiving special education services and/or students who are gifted and talented as they will affect instruction. As needed, consult with your cooperating teacher to complete the chart. The first row has been completed in italics as an example. Use as many rows as you need.

Special Education
Number of Students
Accommodations, Modifications, and/or Pertinent IEP Goals
Example: Learning Disability
Example: 4
Example: Close monitoring, follow up, and Resource Room

About the Class You Observed
1.    How much time is devoted each day to instruction in the classroom? Describe the class periods (if applicable)? Choose a content area of your specialty or major. How much time is devoted to teaching that subject? The teacher first presents the lesson, which typically takes about 15 minutes. The instructions are given the first day of the lesson and if any changes needed to be made, he will just add them on as it continues. Each period is 35 minutes and 22 minutes on late start days. Once they lesson is presented, they will participate in the activity until they move onto the next one.

2.    Is there any ability grouping or tracking? If so, please describe how it affects your class. They tend to mesh everyone together rather than keeping all the athletes together, they'll pair them with others who aren't as athletic.

3.    Identify any textbook or instructional program you primarily use for instruction. If a textbook, please provide the title, publisher, and date of publication. No textbook required, only their iPads on shortened days to do written response questions.

4.    List other resources (e.g., SMARTBoard, manipulatives, online resources) used for instruction in this class. Any athletic clothing and shoes.

5. What do you know about what your students know, what can they do, and what are they learning to do? What do you know about your students’ everyday experiences, cultural backgrounds and practices, and interests? I know many of the students from coaching them in football previously. Most students have a general knowledge about the activities that are done within the classroom. I know some students have a rougher life than others when it comes to financially and also their upbringing. Some students come from the opposite lifestyle from others. Many of the students who do come from bad neighborhoods are at the school as an escape, the environment change is what they needed. Those same students all have a goal which is to go college so they don't have to return to their home.

6. Describe one teaching event. What best practices in teaching were used The best practice used was his organization. He was able to get the class started at the designated time he chose, and also have them clean up and get them to their next class without any issues. The teacher has a great control of the class and doesn't seem to ever have any issues. The students enjoy being in his class and have fun but know not to do anything they're not supposed to.

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