Monday, November 19, 2018

Module 2

This weeks readings were interesting because many of the chapters were things we recently learned in our previous class of intro to education. We've read how SES can affect the students education and how that can cause the parents to be less involved. Also seeing the different kinds of ways of analyzing intelligence.

A big factor in the classroom can be some classes are filled with multicultural students and others who have a single culture. I think classes that have various cultural background does make for students to be accustomed to anyone. This helps prevent the student from not knowing other cultures and to be conscious of anyone.

The low SES students, from what I've read and learned from previous classes are a challenge because of lack of parent involvement. The parents have duties in trying to provide for their families and sometimes the education aspect does get pushed back, but not because they're not interested but because of different schedules. If these children did have parents who are more involved, we would have more students achieving high scores in school, although there are some who do succeed without the need of their parents being consistently involved.


  1. Dan, I agree with you that having a multicultural classroom would be a huge benefit to not only the student but the educators as well. I think, like you said, that being exposed to many different cultures and people will only be beneficial to the students by increasing their cultural awareness, and hopefully, their ability to be able to connect with people on a personal level despite any superficial differences. I also agree that SES is a massive factor in a child's life and because of this class as well as the others we have taken together I will be more aware of this as a possible reason for a student's issues inside or outside of the classroom.

  2. Dan,
    I agree that the lack of parental involvement tends to take a toll when we are faced with these challenges. I know in our Intro. to Education class, we touched on the importance of a good parent/teacher/student relationship and what we can do as teachers to get the parents involved. The information that was addressed in these chapters will definitely help us to better understand these circumstances. The reality is that we will usually always have a multicultural background in our classes and we must make the environment in the classroom welcoming to all and make sure that the students understand it all as well.
